
De-stress masaža / De-stress Massage
35 minuta 130 KN
Ovo je masaža leđa, vrata i glave. Ovom masažom postižemo unutarnji mir, opuštenost, poboljšavamo vitalnost te aktiviramo krvožilni sustav.
This is massage concentrates on the back, neck and head, providing inner peace, relaxation, improved vitality and activates the circulatory system.

Parcijalna masaža / Partial Massage
25 minuta 110 KN
Parcijalna masaža može biti terapeutska ili opuštajuća, a terapeut ciljano masira određeni dio tijela prema zahtijevu klijenta. Parcijalna masaža posebno se preporučuje za leđa i predio vrata kod umora i bolova jer u kratkom vremenu dovodi do olakšanja i popuštanja napetosti.
The partial massage can be both therapeutic and/or relaxing. The therapist massages one specific part of the body according the wishes of the client. The partial massage is especially recommended for the back and neck in cases of fatigue or pain because it brings almost instant relief in a very short time.

Masaža lice, vrat & dekolte / Face, Neck & Décolleté Massage
20 minuta 80 KN
Masaža lica, vrata & dekoltea je aromaterapijska metoda u kojoj se koriste eterična ulja na 100% prirodnoj bazi, koja će vas u potpunosti preporoditi, osvježiti i napuniti energijom.
Our face, neck & décolleté massage is an aroma therapeutic method using 100% natural essential oils that will completely rejuvenate and refresh you, filling you up with energy.

La Crème Four Handed Mini (leđa i noge) / (back and legs)
30 minuta 160 KN
Četveroručna ili kraljevska masaža je doista jedinstven tretman. To je kreativna masaža u kojoj dva sinkronizirana terapeuta, kroz dobro uigranu "koreografiju” pokreta, prepoznaju energetske blokade i balansirano utječu na opuštanje lijeve i desne strane tijela, potiču cirkulaciju i daju duplo više od "dvoručne" masaže. Terapeuti su u svojim pokretima ogledalo jedan drugom. Osječaj nakon kraljevske masaže je kao da ste doživjeli dvije masaže u jednom tretmanu. Prepuštanjem iskusnim terapeutima, doživećete potpuno zadovoljstvo i nezaboravno iskustvo za Vaše tijelo i dušu.
The four handed or royal massage is truly a one of a kind treatment. It is a creative massage where two synchronized masseuses, through their well-rehearsed "choreography”, recognize energy blockages and together they infuse a balanced relaxation of the left and right side of the body, stimulating circulations and providing double the experience of a "two handed” massage. In their movement the masseuses are a mirror image of each other. After the massage is over the client feels as if there were two massages in one treatment. Surrendering to our pleasure in the hands of our experienced therapists will give you complete satisfaction and an unforgettable experience for your body and soul.

Anti-stress masaža / Anti-stress Massage
50 minuta 200 KN
Ova masaža uključuje masažu leđa, ruku i dekoltea. Ovom masažom postižemo unutarnji mir, opuštenost, poboljšavamo vitalnost te aktiviramo krvožilni sustav.
Anti-stress Massage This massage covers the back, arms and décolleté area. This massage helps one reach inner peace, relaxation, enhances vitality and activates the circulatory system.

Holistička masaža / Holistic Massage
60 minuta 180 KN
Masaža koja uspostavlja sklad između vašeg fizičkog, mentalnog i emocionalnog stanja. Kombinacijom eteričnih ulja, svakom se klijentu pristupa individulno prema njegovim/njenim željama i potrebama uz korištenje raznih tehnika masaža. Holisticku masazu preporučujemo kod bolova u vratu, leđima, kod nesanice, loše cirkulacije, kroničnog umora, stresa. Nakon masaže osoba je oslobođena napetosti, u boljem je emocionalnom stanju, te puna energije.
This massage creates harmony between your physical, psychological and emotional states. In combining essential oils each client is treated according to his/her personal needs and desires through a combination of massage styles and techniques. We recommend our holistic massage to those suffering from neck and back pain, insomnia, poor circulation, chronic fatigue, and stress. After the massage you will feel stress release and be in a better emotional state and full of energy.

Klasična masaža / Classical Massage
45 minuta 160 KN
Klasična masaža primjenjuje se u svrhu olakšavanja različitih oboljenja i kombinira se s različitim drugim tehnikama. Ona ima vrlo povoljan učinak na uklanjanje miogeloza te dovodi do osjećaja opuštenosti, ugode te ima umirujuće djelovanje. Kod klasične masaže dolazi do poboljšanja cirkulacije, poboljšava se opskrba kisikom i hranjivim sastojcima kao i čišćenje organizma od štetnih tvari. La Crème stručnjaci za zdravlje svakog čovjeka preporučuju jednom ili više puta tjedno odlaziti na masažu ovisno o tegobi i potrebnoj terapiji pojedinog klijenta.
The classical massage is recommended for easing various aches and pains. It combines various massage techniques and is very effecting in relieving myogelosis and leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. The classical massage results in improved circulation, as well as providing improved oxygen supply and nutrients to your body. Furthermore, it prompts your body to naturally detoxify itself. La Crème professionals recommend at least one massage per week to stay healthy, depending on what ailment or therapy you need.

Sportska masaža / Sport Massage
50 minuta 190 KN
Sportska masaža je tehnika prilagođena sportašima i svim drugim osobama koje izlažu svoje tijelo većim fizičkim naporima. La Crème terapeuti vratit će snagu i gipkost u mišiće svakog klijenta. Ovom vrstom masaže ubrzava se oporavak organizma, zagrijavaju se i omekšavaju tkiva, poravnavaju se mišićna vlakna, poboljšava se cirkulacija, ubrzava odstranjivanje otpadnih tvari i mliječne kiseline iz organizma. Sportska masaža nas priprema za nove i bolje rezultate u sportskim i životnim izazovima.

The sports massage is catered to the needs of athletes and all individuals that subject their bodies to access physical exertion. La Crème therapists will bring back the strength and flexibility to your muscles. This type of massage accelerates the recuperation of the body, warms up and softens muscle tissue, improves circulation, speeds up the ejection of waste and lactic acid from the body. The sports massage prepares the body for new and better results in sports and life’s challenges.

Aromaterapija / Aroma Therapy Massage
60 minuta 230 KN
Aromaterapijska masaža uz pomoć eteričnih ulja cjeloviti je terapeutski tretman tijela koji, uz upotrebu eteričnih ulja, snažno djeluje na emocije i duh, a po svom kemijskom sastavu djeluje na određene organe, tkiva, hormonalni i živčani sustav. Izvodi se u ugodnom ambijentu uz opuštajuću glazbu, mir i tišinu, gdje se možete opustiti i prepustiti mirisima eteričnih ulja kako bi tretman imao još dublje djelovanje. Aromamasaža je izvrstan način uklanjanja stresa, umora, te nekih „psihoemotivnih" problema.

The aroma therapy massage is a well-rounded therapeutic treatment for the entire body through the use and combination of essential oils specially chosen for each individual client. Aside from treating the body, this massage has an emphasized effect on the emotional and spiritual state of the client. The chemical makeup of essential oils used in this massage targets certain organs, tissue, as well as the hormone and nervous systems. It is performed in a comfortable environment with relaxing music, peace and quiet, so that the client can relax and surrender to the scents of essential oils in order for the treatment to have an even more profound effect. This is an excellent way of relieving stress, fatigue and some other "psycho-emotional” issues.

Anticelulitna masaža / Anti-cellulite Massage

25 minuta 120 KN
Anticelulitna masaža, potiče rad limfe, cirkulaciju, te njome izbacujemo višak tekućine i toksina iz organizma. Upotrebom raznih eteričnih ulja i masažom „razbijamo" masne stanice, a kao rezultat postižemo glatku, napetiju kožu. Svakom klijentu pristupamo individualno u rješavanju ovog najčešćeg problema ljepšeg spola. Celulit nastaje kao posljedica nepravilne prehrane, nedovoljnog kretanja, stresa, a može nastati i kao posljedica hormonalnog poremećaja. Prepustite se stručnjacima La Crème i dozvolite da vam pomognemo u postizanju željenog izgleda.

The anti-cellulite massage stimulates the lymph and circulation, serving to rid your body of access liquids and toxins. Certain essential oils and through massage we will "smash away” your fatty cells, rendering your skin smooth and firm with firmer legs. Each client is treated individually to figure out the best way to solve this eternal issue of the gentler sex. Cellulite occurs as a result of poor eating habits, lack of physical activities, stress, and even due to hormonal disorders. When it comes to achieving the look you want, you are in good hands with our La Crème professionals.

Peeling masaža tijela / Body Scrub
35 minuta 130 KN
Suha i osjetljiva, masna ili normalna, svaka koža ima univerzalnu funkciju zaštite tijela od vanjskih utjecaja, regulira temperaturu tijela i osigurava njegov imunitet. La Crème pilinzi su svi napravljeni na potpuno prirodnoj osnovi u inovativnim kombinacijama te su prilagođeni svakom klijentu prema stanju kože. Piling tijela u kombinaciji s laganom masažom, pomoći će vam u uklanjanju mrtvih stanica kože, pomlađivanju, osvježenju i opuštanju cijelog tijela. Vaš duh će se ispuniti energijom, a vi ćete se nakon tretmana osjećati poletno i biti spremni za nove svakodnevne životne izazove. Kao rezultat tretmana vaša koža će biti nahranjena, glatka, pomlađena, a prije svega zahvalna.

Dry and sensitive, oily or normal, every skin has its own universal function of protecting your body from outside elements, regulated body temperature and secures its immunity. La Crème body scrubs are made from 100% all natural ingredients in innovative combinations and are catered to the individual needs of every client. A good body scrub applied with a gentle massage will exfoliate all the dead skin cells leaving your body fresh and soft, rejuvenated, and your whole body relaxed. Your spirit will be filled with energy and you will feel enthused and ready for the daily challenges life decides to throw at you. Your skin will be nourished, smooth, rejuvenated and very grateful it received such special treatment.

Lomi Lomi Nui
45 minuta 220 KN
Lomi Lomi Nui masaža, stigla je u La Crème sa dalekog havajskog otočja. Ova drevna tehnika sa Polinezije oduvijek je služila za iscjeljivanje tijela i duha. Sam izraz „lomi-lomi" znači trljanje ili pritiskanje, a u La Crème će naši stručnjaci terapeuti tom posebnom tehnikom prenijeti svoju vitalnu energiju na svakog pojedinog klijenta. Uz zvukove havaja, prepustite se u naše ruke , opustite se i rasteretite svakodnevnog stresa.
The Lomi Lomi Nui massage came to La Crème from the distant Hawaiian Islands. This ancient technique from Polynesia has always been used for healing both body and soul. "Lomi-lomi” actually means rubbing or pressing. At La Crème our professionals will use this special technique to transfer their positive vital energy to every client. Allow yourself to escape from the daily stress you have to face and wander off to Hawaii through sounds, smells and the expert hands of our massage professionals.

Japanska hot stone masaža lica / Japanese Hot Stone Facial Massage
30 minuta 150 KN
Japanska hot stone tehnika masaže lica je jedna od najugodnijih i najučinkovitijih tretmana koja također ubrzano stimulira živčani sustav te potiče cirkulaciju limfe i krvi, a ujedno pomaže u obnavljanju oštećenih stanica kože. Dakako, ova vrsta masaže popravit će cjelokupan izgled i ten lica.Ova vrsta masaže idealna je za osobe koje imaju problema s dišnim putevima i sinusima. Masažom vrućim kamenjem ujedno stimuliramo kožu i mišiće lica, te svakog klijenta oslobađamo napetosti u području glave, lica i vrata. Odvojite 30 minuta za sebe, oslobodite svoj um, prepustite se mirisima, toplini vrućeg kamenja, oslobodite se stresa, u ugodnom ambijentu i uz stručno osoblje La Crème wellness & beauty spa centra.

The Japanese hot stone facial massage is one of the most comfortable and most effective facial massage treatments. It quickly stimulates the nervous system and stimulates lymph and blood circulation, while aiding the rejuvenation of damaged skin cells. Of course, this kind of massage will improve your complexion and overall facial appearance. It is ideal for people that have respiratory and/or sinus issues. A massage with hot stones will also stimulate facial muscles and skin, thus releasing stress and anxiety in the head, neck and face area. Put aside a half hour for yourself, let your mind be free and relaxed, surrender yourself to the scents and felling of warm stones in the pleasant ambiance at La Crème Wellness & Beauty Spa Center.

La Crème Four Handed Maxi (cijelo tijelo) / (full body)
45 minuta 250 KN
Četveroručna ili kraljevska masaža je doista jedinstven tretman. To je kreativna masaža u kojoj dva sinkronizirana terapeuta, kroz dobro uigranu "koreografiju” pokreta, prepoznaju energetske blokade i balansirano utječu na opuštanje lijeve i desne strane tijela, potiču cirkulaciju i daju duplo više od "dvoručne" masaže. Terapeuti su u svojim pokretima ogledalo jedan drugom. Osječaj nakon kraljevske masaže je kao da ste doživjeli dvije masaže u jednom tretmanu. Prepuštanjem iskusnim terapeutima, doživećete potpuno zadovoljstvo i nezaboravno iskustvo za Vaše tijelo i dušu.

The four handed or royal massage is truly a one of a kind treatment. It is a creative massage where two synchronized masseuses, through their well-rehearsed "choreography”, recognize energy blockages and together they infuse a balanced relaxation of the left and right side of the body, stimulating circulations and providing double the experience of a "two handed” massage. In their movement the masseuses are a mirror image of each other. After the massage is over the client feels as if there were two massages in one treatment. Surrendering to our pleasure in the hands of our experienced therapists will give you complete satisfaction and an unforgettable experience for your body and soul.

Hot stone masaža (cijelo tijelo) / (full body)
55 minuta 270 KN
Terapija kamenjem koristi se već 2000 godina. Još tada su sjevernoameričke domorotkinje znale da toplo kamenje olakšava bolove tijekom mjesečnice, a gospoda u starom Rimu su ležali na stolovima po kojima je bilo vruće i hladno kamenje za opuštanje. Masaža vrućim kamenjem je posebna tehnika masaže u kojoj se koristi glatko zagrijano kamenje. Toplina kamenja pomaže pri opuštanju ukoćenih mišića, te živčanog sustava. Većina ljudi toplinu vrućeg kamenja doživljava kao vrlo ugodnu. Hot stone masaža je dobra za ljude kojima je često zima, imaju hladne noge, odnosno imaju problema sa cirkulacijom, te za one koji više vole nježnu masažu.

Hot stone therapy has been around for 2000 years. As far back as two millennia ago North American native women knew that warm stones would ease menstrual pain, while gentlemen in Ancient Rome would lay on tables covered with hot and cold stones in order to relax. A hot stone massage is a special massage technique where the masseuse uses hot smooth stones as a tool. The warm stones help relax tense muscles and nervous system. Most people find warm stones very comfortable and pleasant. Hot-stone massage is good for people who often feel cold, have cold feet, i.e. have circulatory issues, as well as for those who like a gentle soft massage.

Dupla anticelulitna masaža / Double Anti-cellulite Massage
15 minuta 160 KN
Anticelulitna masaža, potiče rad limfe, cirkulaciju, te njome izbacujemo višak tekućine i toksina iz organizma. Upotrebom raznih eteričnih ulja i masažom „razbijamo" masne stanice, a kao rezultat postižemo glatku, napetiju kožu. Svakom klijentu pristupamo individualno u rješavanju ovog najčešćeg problema ljepšeg spola. Celulit nastaje kao posljedica nepravilne prehrane, nedovoljnog kretanja, stresa, a može nastati i kao posljedica hormonalnog poremećaja. Prepustite se stručnjacima La Crème i dozvolite da vam pomognemo u postizanju željenog izgleda i to uz dvije iskusne maserke!

The anti-cellulite massage stimulates the lymph and circulation, serving to rid your body of access liquids and toxins. Certain essential oils and through massage we will "smash away” your fatty cells, rendering your skin smooth and firm with firmer legs. Each client is treated individually to figure out the best way to solve this eternal issue of the gentler sex. Cellulite occurs as a result of poor eating habits, lack of physical activities, stress, and even due to hormonal disorders. When it comes to achieving the look you want, you are in good hands with our La Crème professionals, in this case, two experienced body-forming pairs of hands!

La Crème Deluxe 90
90 minuta 270 KN
Klasična masaža u duplom trajanju primjenjuje se u svrhu olakšavanja različitih oboljenja i kombinira se s različitim drugim tehnikama. Ona ima vrlo povoljan učinak na uklanjanje miogeloza te dovodi do osjećaja opuštenosti, ugode te ima umirujuće djelovanje. Kod ove masaže dolazi do poboljšanja cirkulacije, poboljšava se opskrba kisikom i hranjivim sastojcima kao i čišćenje organizma od štetnih tvari. La Crème stručnjaci za zdravlje svakog čovjeka preporučuju jednom ili više puta tjedno odlaziti na masažu ovisno o tegobi i potrebnoj terapiji pojedinog klijenta.

This double time slot classical massage is recommended for easing various aches and pains. It combines various massage techniques and is very effecting in relieving myogelosis and leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. It results in improved circulation, as well as providing improved oxygen supply and nutrients to your body. Furthermore, it prompts your body to naturally detoxify itself. La Crème professionals recommend at least one massage per week to stay healthy, depending on what ailment or therapy you need.


RADNO VRIJEME: 08:00 - 16:00


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